Page 2 - Conference Book The 3rd IConVET "Future of TVET Graduates: Developing Talent for Industry 4.0 and The New Normal"
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The 3  International Conference
                                       on Vocational Education and Technology (IConVET)
                                 Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha - Bali | 7  November, 2020

                          THE CHAIR’S SPEECH

                                AND TECHNOLOGY

                                  November 7  2020

          Om Swastiastu, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Namo Buddhaya,
          Shalom. May peace be with us all.

          First of all, let us send our profound gratitude upon Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa,
          the Almighty God, for His blessings of the opportunity to have this international
          conference.  As the  chair of  the  committee,  I  feel   honored   and delighted to
          welcome you all in the 3  International Conference on Vocational and Technology
          (IConVET) which  has a theme: “Future of TVET Graduates: Developing Talent for
          Industry 4.0 and The New Normal”.

          This conference is an international forum organized by the Faculty of Engineering
          and Vocational, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha to bring together academics,
          researchers, and professionals to present their ideas, experiences, and research in a
          scientific event. It brings together state of the art research in vocational education
          and technology. To support the Indonesian government's efforts in preventing the
          spread of the Covid-19 virus, this year IConVET is being held in a new format with
          the concept of virtual conference. Virtual conferences are held without reducing the
          benefits of this  internasional event and hope that all of us will always  be given

          Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

          This 3   International Conference on Vocational  and Technology  is attended by
          participants from more than 40 different university and institute, who represent four
          different countries, namely Indonesia, Taiwan, Iraq, and Netherlands. We received
          105 submission   of   full papers and through a  quite  tough review process,  the

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